
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who's ready for FALL??!

I live in the great state of Texas and it has been H-O-T hot! The high temps have been well over 100degrees. Today, I got in my car and the temp popped up at a cool 68! Woot Hoot! Sweater weather! What a welcome sight!
So, with fall on its way I thought I'd show you what is going on around here to get ready.
First up, fall decor is making its appearance.

Jamey and Cason love going to football game. Especially since there is popcorn, Sprite,and ring suckers involved!

Finally, the kids are able to go outside to play. And they love it!

We are so glad cooler weather is upon us. Now, do we switch out the wardrobe or not?? That is the question.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

All Hallow's Eve

Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays ever since I can remember. As I was flipping through my October Creating Keepsakes, I came across this article intro spread. AWESOME! I knew instantly that I could recreate this. So I gathered my Halloween supplies and got to cranking! My original plan was to do a tutorial on this...Well, it was a good idea, but it didn't happen :( But, hey! You still get beginning and ending shots!

Pretty cool, huh?? I L-O-V-E it! The hubby wasn't as excited about it as I was... What does he know? ha  ha
I hope you  getting crafty, too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I love Pinterest! If you don't follow me- well, you should! {find me here}
Since I am always on the lookout  for inspiration for the Casa de Stegall. I have not ever been sure of my style so I decided to pick the pins that stood out the most.







I see a style emerging! And I am loving it!! The hubs better watch out. I feel a reno coming on!
What is inspiring you and your home?