
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ode to Summer Eatn' !

Yes, I'm from the South. No, I don't always use complete words- or sentences... For example: Jaeatyet?? LOL Yes, it is a four word question all rolled into one word. I digress... One of my and my husbands favorite things to eat is a good ole cheeseburger. When making them at home I like to use the great George Foreman gill :)  Since I had a bit of bacon left over from breakfast and a ripe avocado. Burger+bacon+avocado= Melt-in-your-mouth YUMMINESS!
Exhibit A:

What summer treat do  you and your family love?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Water Bugs

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of having children... not water bugs! Cason loves to be outside. Add water and the kid is in heaven;)  We are hoping to bring Nolen around.
If he has the water hose, you better be a safe distance. You WILL get sprayed.

Cars are a must!

Nolen prefers the sidelines.
He is NOT a fan of getting showered.

Summer is here and we plan to take full advantage of it!
Side note- You can count on a mini album to come of this :) I will post as soon as it is done.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Scraplifting or Cheating?

As a scrapbooker and crafter, I tend to loose steam every now and then. My cure? Scrap lift! I flip through my "faves" notebook that is full of tear sheets or I hit the internet. The www is full of great ideas. I have several blogs that are my most turned to marked in my favorite tab:) Some people see this as cheating. Must be nice to always be on top of your scraping game! I see it as a kick to the imagination. A place to jump off or copy totally!
Here is the process that I went through to scrap lift this page:
First chose your inspiration layout and the photo(s) to be scrapped
Next select paper, embellishments, etc you think might go on your layout
Start placing your papers, embellishments and photos

Don't forget a title (and journaling if it is going on your page)
Sorry! Just stretch your neck and tilt it a little :)
Finally, sit back and enjoy your work! I think I did a pretty good job of lifting this layout. What do you think??
Do you have any pages or projects you have lifted lately?

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Freckled Pole is finally open!

I am so excited to annouce that The Freckled Pole is open for business!!! <YEAH!> TFP is an on-line shop that carries customized etched glass products. Please visit my shop and let me know what you think. Please know that more product is coming. I will keep the blog up to date on any new products being listed. Be sure to check back soon... I see a give away in the near future ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

So Little Time

I am a HUGE fan of Ali Edwards. I love how she is able to capture the little moments of life and make them important... And creates a wonderful layout for her scrapbook! On her website Thursday, she did a review of her daughters baby album. It is so beautiful!  Reading her post got me to thinking about my two son's albums. Of course, their's are FAR from complete... Poor Poley's only has one layout in it...

 He's 16 months old! I guess it is a good thing that Mom and I are headed to a scrapbook convention today. Woo hoot! I have no doubt my stash will be stocked with beautiful baby stuff. Sunday the paper will be flying and embellishments will be glued down. With so little time and so many pages to get done I am hopful to complete their albums by graduation! ;)
I know it may sound silly, but I feel like I am cheating my boys by not keeping up on their albums. See, silly, righ??
What projects do you have left to complete? Or have yet to start?